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Life leap workshop in provence
Your gap year at mid-life
for reflection, discovery, and change, away from home and distractions
condensed and organized into a 4 week summer camp
This Life Leap Workshop provides the structure and support to get you organized, thinking creatively, sturdy, and piloting your own future, … your version of the truly engaged life.
Imagine yourself as a sailboat, navigating through this next chapter in life.
A trinity of strengths enables a sailboat to traverse the seas with purpose and direction: a clear destination and map of how to get there, a sturdy ship, and a steady wind.
This workshop will help you develop these 3 strengths through sessions and experiments in:
The Creation of Life Leap Maps and Models (your destination and map)
Physical Robustness (your sturdy vessel)
Emotion Resilience (your enthusiasm and confidence)
weekly camp structure
Campers gather 4 days per week. The rest of the time is yours to digest what you're learning, work on exercises, relax (you’re in Provence!), and explore.
Mondays and Wednesdays at Discovery Camp:
During the day: We dive deep into interpreneurial concepts: charting life maps and adopting best practices for building emotional and physical prowess. North Stars are set, product-passion fits aligned, grand ambitions launched, art and creativity in its many forms explored, journals kept, commitments made. We provoke and support and get you beyond comfort zones. Summer camp and gap year combined, and your moment to reimagine possibilities and aspire without limits.
Communal lunches: We indulge in the Mediterranean diet led by local guest chefs who expand our kitchen confidence with recipes and hands-on tips and tricks.
End of day: apéro recap, sharing and asking (with group confidence), pétanque, swim and other activities for those interested.
Tuesdays Evening Enlightenment: Lectures by invited professors from the American College of the Mediterranean (ACM) in Aix. Art, philosophy, creativity, literature, history, … as a group we’ll decide. (Bill teaches a course on entrepreneurship at the ACM and is awed by the breadth and quality of instruction.)
Friday Field Trips:
Full day trip to inspirational destinations in the region, providing additional time to share on what’s being learned and answer lingering questions while exploring one of the most beautiful geographies on the planet.
The Mediterranean diet for the whole you
Provence is envied for its very high quality of life.
Nourished by a healthy Mediterranean diet.
Slowed by a harmonious work-life balance.
Enriched by an emphasis on deep sensual savoring - of the sites, smells, sounds, tastes abundant here - and less on frivolous spending.
We borrow heavily from this richness in creating a balanced program that provides a long-term, healthy structure to your encore ambitions.
We’ll provide the seeds for your own Provence garden, wherever you call home, to continue to color your life after camp.
What we are not
This Life Leap Camp is a lot of amazing things, but not:
A retreat. We are an incubator for audacious dreams and the best practices for pursuing them; an accelerator to (and not retreat from) your next exciting ambition. We structure a gap month for challenging assumptions and thinking outside the lines. Navel gazing and downtime? Yes, calm is essential, but recharged for actionable goals as follow-up.
A spa. While we do conduct sessions in yoga, mindfulness, and other practices whose benefits for better health are empirically proven, you will not be pampered. (On the contrary, we love pushing beyond your comfort zones!) We can help arrange spa sessions of infinite varieties at providers around Aix if interested.
A spiritualism center. Shamanism, crystal energy, astrology, and all other spiritual practices new-age and old are not part of our program. You won’t be watching the sunrise on peyote or forming prayer circles. Participants are certainly welcome to hold, share, and practice their own beliefs, but they play no role in our program.
post workshop
This Life Leap Program is just the essential big Step 1 in the launch of What’s Next in your life.
Monthly group chats will be held for the following year, with updates on progress and learnings, suggestions and cohort support as helpful.
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